This book covers many different avenues when approaching job hunting. I also include examples and ideas to think about while you look around for work or consider changing positions.

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I haven’t been able to find a written guide for School Leavers, Disabled people seeking employment as well as long term unemployed people, wanting to know the absolute BASICS of how to prepare themselves when looking for work, which is critical for success.

In addition, most books printed have long unclear or difficult words that totally confuse people, and basically, many Authors take for granted that everyone knows the basics of looking for work.

This book covers many different avenues when approaching job hunting. I also include examples and ideas to think about while you look around for work or consider changing positions.

Especially with areas such as obtaining work before leaving school like in supermarkets and other small businesses. I may be an Australian however as you read through you will quickly see that the suggestions etc., I propose can be used anywhere in the world.

My diverse working career enabled me to pass on my knowledge to School Leavers, Disabled people and unemployed. Many of you would have been in the situation of having people from different organisations discuss with you, about either being unemployed or looking for work.

If you have ever had to deal with this scenario you will understand how disillusioned you can get with the system. My numerous employment skills gained from various areas, enable me to understand many involved personal problems relating to the unemployed not to mention with my own disabilities, and limitations

I have confidence in that there would be many people out there who would like to ask the basic job questions, however, feel that they would be seen as silly questions. My opinion is everyone needs to talk to someone sometime, the discussion does not have to last for a very long time, but just get it off your chest.

Nonetheless trying to find work is scary and I hope my book will help you secure that great job!


how this ebook can help


phillip moon
phillip moon signature

Phillip Moon | Author

Almost 20 years ago I decided to become a Service Provider as well as an author, aimed at assisting School leavers, people with a physical impairment, long-term unemployed as well as University Graduates, offering advice which may help them all in finding suitable employment.

My original Employment Reference Guide was titled – Hints on Trying to Get That Great Job or Back to the Basics. The success of sales with the original book to many Schools, Colleges, University Libraries, University Colleges, Employment Agencies, and Public Libraries as well as Personal Sales was outstanding.

Sales of my Employment Reference Guide not only in all States and Territories around Australia, but too many areas of New Zealand, a South African College, an Irish and Scottish as well as Singapore Disability Support Group, three Singaporean Polytechnic Libraries as well as a Vancouver High School were a highlight.

​Due to the sale of my book, this led to my being requested to conduct presentations at a number of High Schools, Colleges and Public Libraries around Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Ipswich in Queensland, Australia.

Due to a series of personal medical issues, I had to place everything on hold. However recently I have seen a serious increase, of the number of people who have a major difficulty in applying for employment. There seems to be a vast increase in the lack of skills, motivation as well as a sense of well-being these days.

With recent viewings of my previous A5 sized Employment Reference Guide by an Occupational Therapist, who showed and viewed her own enthusiastic response in how my new endeavour, to assist the above-mentioned people with gaining employment, is the reason why I have decided to re-release my book in an ebook format.